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Monday, March 9, 2015

10 Easter Table Setting Ideas on a Budget

With Easter Sunday just around the corner, I know you can spend a pretty penny on all of the festivities so today I’m trying to show you how you can dress up your Easter table on a budget!

how to stop tulips from drooping- tip #4 made all the difference!

If you follow me on Instagram you saw that my sweet husband surprised me with a bouquet of tulips last Friday.  I love, love, love tulips and probably love them even more so this year because I’m so looking forward to Spring (we have 7″ of snow and an ice storm happening as I write this!) While I appreciate the charm of a drooping, swinging tulip I know many prefer their tulips not to droop (and in many arrangements they look better standing tall) so I thought I’d share my tips to keep tulips from drooping and make them last!

15 free quirky fonts

It’s been a while since I shared a collection of free fonts, but I’ve had a few requests lately so I guess it’s time for another round! From making your own graphics to making your own DIY sign – there’s a million reasons to have a great collection so I love sharing some of my faves with you from time to time. 

How to fauxstain on glass. Easy step by step tutorial.modpodge ritdye

Want to know how to faux stain a window with Mod podge and Rit dye?
Experiment .
If you missed my Experiment with rit dye and mod podge on glass
You may want to catch up first.
Here is the Before.
Certainly too plain for my liking…..

Gem Mirror DIY + Easy Mirror Cutting Technique

If you saw this post and thought, "Whoa, that looks great! I should make that! Wait, glass cutting? I'm out!" then you probably aren't alone. I had wanted to try mirror cutting for a while now, but just the sound of it gave me the shivers. I think I have a mild case of aichmophobia with some materials (the irrational fear of sharp objects), so the thought of trying to break a mirror into several pointed edges sounded less than ideal. However, life is for facing and conquering your fears, right? I looked up a few tutorials on the technique, and I was shocked at what I found—it looked so easy to do. Of course, I was skeptical that they were just making it look easier than it was, but I asked Josh about it and he said that he had done it before and assured me that, yes, it was in fact that easy. Sweet! I'd been wanting to make a gem mirror for a while, and I thought this would be the perfect technique to learn in order to achieve that goal. Let's do it!